Palm Sunday- Holy Week Begins

by Mary Papoulias-Platis

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Palm Sunday is the Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Word of the resurrection of Lazarus by Christ in Bethany spread quickly to Jerusalem and Christ was welcomed into the city by large crowds the next day. The church commemorates this high point in Christ’s public life at a Divine Liturgy in the church decorated with palms and laurel leaves. Laurel is a symbol of triumph. A procession through the church reenacts Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. Children often carry lit candles they have decorated. Small crosses are made of palm and handed out to everyone who attends the service. These are kept in their home, in special ikonostasi.

Fasting is modified because of the triumphant natures of Palm Sunday, and fish is permitted. Traditional fried cod with garlic sauce is served, but any fish dish is acceptable.


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  Recipe for Baked Fish with Tomatoes

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Recipe for Roasted Beets with Garlic Sauce

© 2012 – 2015, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Greek Food, Admin

A nice article about Christianity and food.

2 Mary Papoulias-Platis

Dear Greek Food, thank-you for your nice comment. Great shopping at your site!

3 Matt

I like the website…I found it by your chicken and lemon soup recipe. All of your recipes look tasty…defiantly going to try a few. If I was around tomorrow I’d say, “Christos Anesti!”

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