Listen Live on Health and Longevity Show with Dr.Ozner, Debbie Metenopoulos, and Me

by Mary Papoulias-Platis

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I would like to introduce you to Dr. John Westerdahl and his Health and Longevity radio show on Live Talk Radio. He has chosen to interview three guests on the Mediterranean Diet, Dr. Michael Ozner M.D. and Debbie Metenopoulos and me. As you can guess, I had a small part in this interview discussing the health benefits of olive oil. I have been interviewed in the past about olive oil with Dr. Westerdahl and he thought I could add a few tidbits on the subject. I feel very honored to be part of this interview along with Dr. Michael Ozner and Debbie Metenopoulos.

Featured Guests: Michael Ozner, M.D. – Board-Certified Cardiologist and Author of The Complete Mediterranean Diet : Everything You Need To Know To Lose Weight And Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease; Debbie Matenopoulos – TV Host, Journalist and Author of It’s All Greek To Me: Transform Your Health The Mediterranean Way With My Family’s Century-Old Recipes; Mary Platis – Greek Chef, Cooking Instructor, Expert on Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Author of Cooking Techniques With Olive Oil

The show will air nationally this Sunday at 12:00 pm noon (California Time) on over 70 stations on the LifeTalk Radio Network.

To hear the show click here.

Here are the author’s books for your enjoyment!

The Com­plete Mediter­ranean Diet 
Every­thing You Need To Know To Lose Weight And Lower Your Risk Of Heart Dis­ease

In The Com­plete Mediter­ranean Diet, top car­di­ol­o­gist Michael Ozner offers the tra­di­tional Mediter­ranean diet—clinically proven to reduce your risk of heart dis­ease, can­cer and numer­ous other diseases—with the lat­est sci­en­tific find­ings in health and nutri­tion to cre­ate a diet that’s easy to follow.


 Check out Debbie’s new cookbook with her special family recipes.

Mod­ern sci­ence is catch­ing up to what Greeks have known for mil­len­nia: health comes from eat­ing nat­ural, whole-food ingre­di­ents that haven’t been processed or pumped full of hor­mones, antibi­otics, or preser­v­a­tives. In It’s All Greek to Me, Deb­bie shares 120 of her family’s tra­di­tional Greek recipes and adds her own touch to make them even health­ier and eas­ier to prepare.


If you missed the show, visit the Health and Longevity website to listen to the show and many other educational interviews.

You may also want to purchase my olive oil cookbook and learn to cook and preserve with olive oil.




© 2014 – 2019, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.

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