I’m Thankful for Tom Lamar Papoulias and Mike Balason

by Mary Papoulias-Platis

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A wonderful reminder on this Thanksgiving Day to all my family members, that we wouldn’t be here in this Beautiful Country, Living Freedom, with Working Opportunities without these two adventurous men, Tom Lamar Papoulias and Mike Balason. Two very brave men who left Greece at a very young age to have a better life here in America. Today, we have two generations of family members, they brought from Greece to form a community, living out their dreams. Today, I’m thankful for these two incredible and loving men, whom we were all blessed to know!



 Tom Lamar Papoulias


Mike Balason 



© 2013 – 2016, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.

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1 Bekki Iordanou


I am thankful for them too! My Mom and Thea grew up with both men in their lives. Beach visits, tavli, nice chats on the porch! Very good friends of my Yia-Yia and Papou, who also travelled from Greece young, made friends, businesses and a life for our families! God Bless you and your family. You have made your ancestors proud!


2 Mary Papoulias-Platis

Ah Bekki! That’s so nice of you- remembering our wonderful upbringing gives us the reason to teach and raise our children with the same values and love. Loved your family and having the chance to know you over the long years of friendship we have had together. Kala Xristouyena!

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