Today, I decided to go savory with my yogurt and add beets. Why? Well, often times I need a more filling breakfast or lunch meal to keep me full for a busy day. I found my answer when I decided to think yogurt as a savory dish and not a sweet one! As I browsed my refrigerator and pantry, I was looking for a more healthy choice. I always tend to pick the same old thing – yogurt and fruit. Nothing wrong with that, but I wanted more. I try and keep beets and other root vegetables on hand, because they last a long time in your pantry and they make great quick dinner. I quickly threw the beets in the oven to roast as I searched for what I may want to add as toppings to my yogurt. I hope you enjoy what I came up with.
No need for a recipe here, but a few tips might help!
- Add a crunch with any nuts, I used pistachios.
- Pick an herb to add flavor, I chose basil.
- Add salt and pepper, or a dried seed. I added Maldon salt.
- Olive oil would be a delicious addition.
- Sprinkle with honey if omitting the oil.
- And a plain Greek yogurt. Just a note: Plain yogurt is full of probiotics than flavored, with no sugar.
- Select any fall/winter vegetable, beets are my favorite, and did you know they cleanse your liver.
- For other substitutions, try carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash or parsnips. I hope you can think savory next time to make your yogurt bowl.
Let’s get started:
You can use fresh beets or canned organic beets. If using canned beets, rinse and dry.
For fresh beets; trim off greens and wash beet. Wrap beet in foil and roast in a 400 degree oven for 15-2o minutes, depending on the size of your beets.
After baking, peel and cut into wedges.
Add your favorite toppings and you have yourself a nutritional and fresh treat!
Take this to lunch and share this beautiful and nutritional meal.
© 2016, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.
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