Sunday’s Snap-toons

by Mary Papoulias-Platis

Post image for Sunday’s Snap-toons

Sunday’s are a relaxing day for me. You can find me playing in the garden or cooking up a favorite dinner. But I do like going online to catch up a little. This is my idea of scrap-booking my weekly memories without having to step into a Michael’s and buy more stuff.

Many of us are on the computer browsing for the next best video to post, recipes to download, pictures to pin or just catching up with our FB friends. I thought this is a good time to post pictures of my week,  so I can share my week and you can view my world for a second or two….enjoy!

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San Diego Sharp Women’s Conference

My dear friend and fellow blogger Mimi Avocado won two tickets to the annual Sharp Women’s Conference in San Diego. I was so lucky to be her guest for the day. As we entered we stopped at the photo booth for some fun  and crazy pictures. The day started out with a brilliant keynote speaker Rhonda Britten with an energetic talk on “Fearless Living” and I had my wings on before the talk was over. We watched Chef Bernard from the Marine Room, cook up bulgur and poached salmon in olive oil for his presentation on Mediterranean food.  And we all listened intensely to Marianne Williamson as she spoke about her life and our everyday stress we develop in our lives today and how to cope with it. Watch for her in the future as she runs for Congress.

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Temecula Olive Oil Company

Laura Bashar from (Family Spice), her three children and I took off to our local olive oil farm, Temecula Olive Oil Company, to take pictures of our upcoming olive oil cookbook. Catherine, one of the owners, met us there so we may shoot the  many varietals of olives that they grow and process on their farm. We took Laura’s kids who explored the grounds and enjoyed running through the trees. After shooting all the pictures we needed, we headed to downtown Temecula for a quick lunch and a  little antiquing at Grandma’s Antiques.

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 Book signing with Bonnie Manion

My dear friend Bonnie Manion had an author signing of her new book from the Dummies Series, “Gardening with Free-Range Chickens” at the Horticultural Society’s first annual holiday marketplace.  I went along to help her. We laughed so hard because by the end of the night, we heard so many chicken stories and from one angry man who is lobbying for residential chickens in Escondido. You can purchase Bonnie’s gardening on her blog at Vintage Garden Girl.

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Greek Cooking Class for Gardening Group

I taught a Greek  Healthy Cooking class for a garden club in a beautiful home kitchen of a friend of mine. The ladies were lovely and very helpful as they watched me prepare 6, yes 6 meals for them. We were laughing when I couldn’t find the whisk for the garlic potatoes, and the mistake I made when I left out the feta in the spanakopita after preaching to the gals the importance of  “mise en place” . A French term used in kitchens for preparing your ingredients ahead of time, so you do not leave out anything in the recipe. Also I forgot to pass out water to the group as they participated in an olive oil tasting with  a few of the ladies choking on the fresh olive oil they were sampling.  The only thing I could say to them is, ” this is not the Food Network ladies, this is the real thing”, and they understood.

The best part of the class was the garlic sauce, “kordalia” in Greek. The old saying goes when you serve this sauce,” once one person in the room eats this sauce everyone else in the room (really the entire house)  must partake!

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Meeting George Menzelos

This is George Menzelos from Arianna Trading Company. We met  for the first time to discuss his Greek Organic Cold Press extra virgin olive oil and catch up with other news. We have many mutual friends we realized, and we had a great time talking about our trips to Greece. To buy George’s oil go to Arainna Trading Company to place your order.

Like scrap-booking online too, then visit where I played with this at Pic-Monkey. (not an advertisement, just a heck of a lot of fun!)

© 2013 – 2019, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Mimi Holtz

Nice post, Mary! Love following your activities….and didn’t we have a great day at the Sharps Women’s Health Conference. I’m so glad we could experience that day together.

2 Mary Papoulias-Platis

Mimi, that was a terrific day! Looking forward to our December activities with you!!

3 Laura @ Family Spice

What a week! You are one busy lady and I am so glad to run around the olive groves with you!

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