Greek Easter Bread with Dyed Eggs

by Mary Papoulias-Platis

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This is a traditional Greek Easter bread that was passed down to me from my mother-in law Helen. I would watch her year after year making these beautiful loaves and loved to eat them, but now too anxious to dive in take on the task. It took me years of watching and feeling the dough before I dove in. This bread is not the traditional bread found in most Greek homes. We found it is liked by everyone in our family, and has become our Easter bread.

For the recipe, I use the same recipe for our New Year’s Bread or Easter Bread.

As you know bread is fussy from year to year, month to month and day to day. The outcome depends on several important steps and information you need to know.

  • Set the entire day aside to make these loaves.
  • Make sure you buy fresh yeast.
  • Dye your eggs the day before baking. They are cooked when placed in the dough.
  • Have all your pans ready and loaf sizes planned ahead.
  • The weather is your friend or biggest enemy. Adapt your recipe to the weather. Do not pour all the flour in at once. Leave some out and feel the moisture of the dough, before adding too much.
  • Make sure you lay out all the ingredients before you get started.

You can design your own bread using braids or simply simple rounded loaves with or without the eggs. Pictured here  is an easy three braid bread. You can leave out the eggs, and add them after you bake the bread, by pinching out some of the dough.

Or as I did you can make individual buns.

Be creative and decide and plan ahead for the correct size of pans you made need. And as you can see I just used sheet pans.

I added sesame seeds but they are optional.

I happen to have good weather and the bread came out fluffy and delicious.


Enjoy your bread making,

Kalo Pascha – Joyful Easter





© 2018 – 2024, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.

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