Cooking Technique for Voula’s Pumplin Phyllo Pie is a post with all the visual directions you need to make this phyllo pie. Use this to follow the recipe if you have never made a phyllo dish. You can use canned pumpkin for a the substitution of the fresh pumpkin. Just remember to defrost your phyllo in the refrigerator the night before making this dish.
Use the cooking technique with the recipe: Voula’s Holiday Pumpkin and Almond Phyllo Pie here:
You will need the following:
one sheet pan
1 small saucepan for the melted butter
one sieve
one large bowl
pastry brush
food processor/ or mash by hand with potato masher
Mix the sugar,and rice together with the pumpkin.
Add the remaining ingredients.
Layer 1/2 the phyllo on the butter and butter each layer. Pour filling in pan.
Score with a sharp knife. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
For a side dish: score 4×6
For an appetizer: score 5×8
© 2010 – 2015, Mary Papoulias-Platis. All rights reserved.
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